JAN 20 @6pm – Kevin A. McGrail on Effectuation Theory in Business and Cybersecurity

Abstract: The effectuation theory was proposed by Dr. Saras Sarasvathy 20 years ago but learned about it much more recently. I was surprised to find how well it describes my preferred business model as well as formalized the approach I use to build successful statements of work for incident response teams building on concepts of Agile, Timeboxing, and Tongue & Quill for success in Cybersecurity.

View the presentation slides.

About the Speaker:

Kevin A. McGrail, or KAM as he is better known, is the principal evangelist for Dito where he helps
organizations securely migrate, modernize & maximize their use of the cloud. He is a Google
Workspace Top Contributor, Developer Expert, and Ambassador as well as member expert in the U.S.
Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary.

He is the principal author of the KAM Ruleset, the chief architect of Raptor Email Security, Chair
emeritus for the Apache SpamAssassin project, and a PMC member of the MIMEDefang project. He
has battled spammers for decades and his research protects hundreds of millions of Internet users
every day. KAM enjoys working with Open Source Software and is a proud member of the Apache
Software Foundation.

KAM is also a Center for Innovative Technology MACH37 Cyber Security Incubator Graduate and a
member of the board of advisors for Virtru.com & SecurityUniversity.edu. KAM’s latest honor is to be
named a Distinguished Senior Fellow as a thought leader in the field of Cyber Security at Thomas
University’s Armed Services Institute in the Center for Military Life.